A Simple Way to Fight Stress

Keeping stress levels down in these modern lives of ours can be tricky. Technology has created a world where we’re expected to be within reach at all times. We’re always on the clock. The work culture in America also seems to discourage taking time off – so much so, that taking a vacation or a sick day can actually make you more stressed out.

In our personal lives, the standards of parenting sure seem a lot harsher than what I grew up with. As far as I remember, my childhood filled with hours upon hours of TV, sugary “juice” drinks and Kraft macaroni and cheese was a lot of fun. I survived.

My point is, there is so much pressure to give more and to be better, both at home and at work. When we internalize those external pressures, it’s easy to find yourself rundown by stress.

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The Unglamorous Truth About Self-Care

What if taking care of yourself isn’t all bubble baths and meditation? Self-care is a very popular concept at the moment. Like mindfulness and healthy living, renewed interest in these topics doesn’t mean these ideas are particularly new.

Our desire to be happy and healthy is obvious. There’s always a new diet, face cream, or workout to try. The idea of self-care certainly appeals to me as a mother. I often feel like I don’t have any time for myself. This turns me into a cranky asshole, which makes me feel like a bad mom, which then turns me into a very sad sack.

Pedicures and date nights would be amazing, but moms don’t have much time to focus on ourselves. Childcare is expensive. Time is valuable. Maybe practical self-care looks more like being a good mother to yourself?

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What to Do When You Are Easily Overwhelmed

Guess what I’ve been doing for the last hour and a half? Guess. Did you guess nothing? You are mostly correct. On the outside, I have had the appearance of doing nothing. On the inside, I have been completely overwhelmed by all the things I could be doing.

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