Miscarriage and Picking Up the Pieces

“It feels like a toddler has rampaged on the LEGO structure of our lives.”

That’s what I just texted my husband, trying to explain how utterly destroyed everything feels right now.

Losing a pregnancy is obviously devastating. Physically, mentally, and financially, living through a miscarriage can be incredibly challenging. It hurts in a lot of ways I didn’t see coming. How do we move forward?

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Trying to Conceive: Five Reasons The Second Time is Worse

As I mentioned in my post, The Terrifying Prospect of Having Another Baby, my family is at a pivotal juncture. For so many reasons, trying to conceive for a second time has been a stick of emotional dynamite.

No doubt, dads experience some of this too, but honestly I’m writing this for my ladies out there. To the moms trying to conceive, I’m right here with you in crazy town. To anyone struggling with fertility issues, I can’t even begin to comprehend your strength.

Personally, it has been relatively easy for my to get pregnant in the past. I’m very lucky. That said, here are some reasons why even when it’s “easy,” it isn’t easy.

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The Terrifying Prospect of Having Another Baby

Things are good lately. My son will be two in April and he has turned into such a little kid – baby no more! He is learning so quickly. You can usually find him engaged a stream of consciousness discourse about the things he cares about. For example, that burning question: “The moon where go?” That one comes up a lot.

So yeah, he’s really cute. He’s still very much a toddler. My son needs a lot of supervision, patience, and guidance, but it’s getting easier. He only poops couple times a day, he can communicate his needs, he has most of his teeth (thank god), and we get a really nice amount of sleep. Is it time to throw all that away and have another baby?

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