Find Gratitude and Freedom from Want

I want to stop wanting.

This summer, I once again found myself getting insanely jealous of other people’s yards. Many friends on my social media feeds are, like me, parents of small children. I watch their kids playing in play houses or frolicking in sprinklers and I covet. I covet hard.

How nice would it be if we could go outside whenever we want without it becoming a whole big production? You want to give your kid everything and more, but the truth is there is always more to want.

Surely it’s more important to foster a sense of gratitude and contentment in your child, right? It starts with us. How do we teach ourselves to say this is enough? I am enough. What I have is enough.

Continue reading Find Gratitude and Freedom from Want

Nature is Free and Summer is Here!

You know that nature is free. You probably also know that it’s almost Summer. I live in Los Angeles County and until this very moment, summer and nature have been nowhere in sight. I woke up this morning and – BAM! I got high off a big old hit of sunshine.

Nature is not only free, it is good for your mental health.

Continue reading Nature is Free and Summer is Here!