Picky Toddler Problem Solving

As a child, I was an extremely picky eater. My sister was also very picky. I remember my mother often making three separate dinners: one for me, one for my sister, one for my dad. Sometimes she wouldn’t even eat any of the three diners that she prepared.

This is obviously bananas.

I also know from personal experience, as a kid and a mom, that forcing your child to clean their plate seems to just lead to more stress and power struggles.

How do we, as modern parents, fix the picky problem?

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The Confidence Divide

You know that person that can bullshit an answer with such confidence you actually start to believe them, despite KNOWING they’re wrong? They make absolute statements. They don’t wonder and they don’t ask. Oh, no. They tell you. Even when they are corrected, they barely acknowledge their mistake, before moving on to the next subject with that same surety.

There is a name for these people: lawyers. I’m kidding (mostly).

People who present themselves with this kind confidence are often extroverted. They are also decisive (even if those decisions are rushed or poorly informed). Due to these traits, they often fill leadership positions and enjoy a fair amount of financial success.

Confidence, whether it is warranted or not, can take you places.

Continue reading The Confidence Divide

The Terrifying Prospect of Having Another Baby

Things are good lately. My son will be two in April and he has turned into such a little kid – baby no more! He is learning so quickly. You can usually find him engaged a stream of consciousness discourse about the things he cares about. For example, that burning question: “The moon where go?” That one comes up a lot.

So yeah, he’s really cute. He’s still very much a toddler. My son needs a lot of supervision, patience, and guidance, but it’s getting easier. He only poops couple times a day, he can communicate his needs, he has most of his teeth (thank god), and we get a really nice amount of sleep. Is it time to throw all that away and have another baby?

Continue reading The Terrifying Prospect of Having Another Baby

Holiday Hangover: Can We Really Change?

It’s late January, so it’s time to start thinking about New Years resolutions! Sorry I’m just getting to this now, but I’ve been in a stress-induced drinking binge for the last two months. It was my son’s second Christmas and now I’m starting to truly understand what the holidays are like for parents.

Continue reading Holiday Hangover: Can We Really Change?

What to Do When You Are Easily Overwhelmed

Guess what I’ve been doing for the last hour and a half? Guess. Did you guess nothing? You are mostly correct. On the outside, I have had the appearance of doing nothing. On the inside, I have been completely overwhelmed by all the things I could be doing.

Continue reading What to Do When You Are Easily Overwhelmed

Childcare: Give Your Child the Best for Less

Whether your are a working parent or a stay-at-home parent, I just have to say… RESPECT. There is no easy option. Childcare is expensive, whether you are paying in money or time. Working part-time, while taking care of my kid has given me insight into both worlds.

Continue reading Childcare: Give Your Child the Best for Less

The Power of Plants to Create a Happy Home

It’s obvious, but it needs to be said;  living things turn a house into a home. Family, pets, and in my opinion, plants! I’m not religious, but I do believe in surrounding yourself with life. The force connects us all! Ahem, sorry…

At the beginning of this year, I Marie Kondoed the shit out of our home.

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Staycation – Holiday at Home

Traveling is wonderful, but definitely expensive. A staycation right where you are, could be a chance to connect your everyday self to your vacation self.

I was insanely jealous of my friends and family this week. It seemed like everyone was on vacation, except for us. There were camping trips,  weddings, and summer days by the pool. I found myself grumbling about my social media accounts, like I had no choice, but to longingly watch other peoples’ good times.

Then I remembered that I absolutely have a choice!
Continue reading Staycation – Holiday at Home

A Quitter and Her Fear of Vulnerability

First, I must apologize. It has been three weeks since the last post. I woke up today with the knowledge that I was at the edge of quitting. I know this because I live my life poised on the precipice of, “Oh well, I guess that’s over.” I am a quitter. Maybe you are too?

That is how it happens. It’s not intentional. It’s just the slow snowballing of inaction. Eventually, that snowball grows so big it pushes you right off the Cliff of Quitters, where you fall to a cold death submerged in your own failure. Continue reading A Quitter and Her Fear of Vulnerability