A Simple Way to Fight Stress

Keeping stress levels down in these modern lives of ours can be tricky. Technology has created a world where we’re expected to be within reach at all times. We’re always on the clock. The work culture in America also seems to discourage taking time off – so much so, that taking a vacation or a sick day can actually make you more stressed out.

In our personal lives, the standards of parenting sure seem a lot harsher than what I grew up with. As far as I remember, my childhood filled with hours upon hours of TV, sugary “juice” drinks and Kraft macaroni and cheese was a lot of fun. I survived.

My point is, there is so much pressure to give more and to be better, both at home and at work. When we internalize those external pressures, it’s easy to find yourself rundown by stress.

Mama Needs Less Stress

This is the first post in two months, because the holidays add their own stress. It’s a busy time for parents, and (sexist as it may be) it is a very busy time for women. Moms make holiday magic and it has a way of taking over our lives.

Bourbon only relieves stress for so long...

Finally, the holidays are over. It’s time to once again, look for healthier ways to reduce stress than bourbon.

In The Unglamorous Truth About Self-Care, I talked about mothering yourself as a form of self-care. As the flip side to that, I think another great form of self-care is to indulge yourself, as you would a child. Do something just because it’s fun.

Have some fun!

Hard Work Should Be Rewarded

Right now, most frugal blogs are focusing on a no-spend January, and here I am telling you to buy yourself more shit. Classic.

Look, you’ve worked hard. You’ve recently bought everyone you love something to make them happy. If you have kids, you’ve also bought elaborate ways to store all their new “happy times” shit. As soon as that was accomplished, you probably noticed that they’re already slightly over all these new toys. You can already see the magic fading. Consumerism can be a real drag.

The gifts that have made me the happiest have some things in common. They are all small, relatively inexpensive, and they’re interactive.

Find a Small Purchase That Puts Focus on You

My haul includes some colorful gel pens (beloved by tween girls everywhere), two new journals, and an awesome book called, The Spirit Almanac: A Modern Guide to Ancient Self-Care. You may have also heard of the guided journal I got. It’s called Zen as F*ck: A Journal for Practicing the Mindful Art of Not Giving a Sh*t. It’s the highest ranked guided journal on Amazon right now, and for good reason. I’ve been really enjoying myself.

"Treat Yo Self" is my life's moto.

Writing or self-improvement may not be your thing. Personally, they’ve been such a great way to reduce stress, because there is always time to do some small part. I can read one section or color/write one page, even when I’m busy. I can squeeze in ten minutes at bedtime or in between PBS kids shows. It’s a big reward for very little effort (you know – the opposite of regular life).

Go ahead. Do it. Buy a yoga class, or a coloring book, or a new plant to garden, or a new cook book to try. Find something that will encourage a little fun – just for you.