Staycation – Holiday at Home

Traveling is wonderful, but definitely expensive. A staycation right where you are, could be a chance to connect your everyday self to your vacation self.

I was insanely jealous of my friends and family this week. It seemed like everyone was on vacation, except for us. There were camping trips,  weddings, and summer days by the pool. I found myself grumbling about my social media accounts, like I had no choice, but to longingly watch other peoples’ good times.

Then I remembered that I absolutely have a choice!

Get Some Perspective

After throwing my phone across the room (as if the burns were physical and not social in nature), I decided it was time for a change of perspective. I’m lucky enough to have this week off work. I need to be grateful, not jealous!

"I'm truly, truly grateful, and terribly happy." - Audrey Hepburn

You know that smug parenting advice about how you should let your kids be bored? They’ll learn to how to entertain themselves and get creative?

Well, there is something to that. I’m not sure how I forgot. I spent most of the summers of my youth delightfully bored. If only collecting snail shells and very, very ordinary looking rocks still held the same appeal…

The way I see it, there are are two ways to have a frugal staycation: the productive method and the relaxation method. You can devote yourself completely to one strategy or mix them up to keep it exciting.

The Productive Staycation: Time is money, and you are rich, my bitches!

  • Make Healthy Meals – You’re going to have to eat anyway, right? Why not try some new recipes or challenge yourself to a week of cooking without meat?
  • Clean the Grossest Room in the House – I bet you immediately knew the spot. For us, its the master bathroom. It is already dated, ugly and in need of a remodel.  In addition to that, my husband and I hate cleaning it. If there is a place in your home that you’ve flat-out started avoiding, its probably time for a deep clean.
  • Give Attention and Care – Take the dog for a walk, give the cat a good brushing, water and trim your houseplants, play with your kid, give your spouse a back rub, take yourself on a nature walk, etc. Celebrate the life around you with affectionate gestures!

"They alive dammit!"

The Relaxation Staycation: Time is a gift. Treat yourself!

  • Indulge in Hobbies – Like to Read? Get some library books! Like to watch sports or movies? Put your feet up, and grab some snacks. Take time to appreciate the joy of doing very little!
  • Self-Care – It’s hot out. As a mom, it’s hard to find time to shave those legs, paint those toes, or put on that charcoal mask. Take some time out to take care of yourself and feel good.
  • Play Tourist at Home – Go do something a tourist would do. You can splurge on a yummy beverage or keepsake to help make you feel like your awesomely-happy-vacation-self. Don’t forget your camera!

Embrace every cliche, touristy thing that would normally make you grimace.

As you may have figured out, I like to plan. Anticipation heightens experience, so make a to-do list. Be productive! Or unproductive! Be both! It’s your holiday!