Hello, Blog!

Why Are We Here?

Not on Earth. That’s a little out of my depth. I’m talking about this brand new, shiny blog!

A Little Backstory

I’m in my early thirties. In 2015, I got married. In 2016, we bought our first home (a two-bedroom, town-home). The year after that, we had our first child. In 2018, my goal is to become awesome at all this #adulting. My story is painfully average. Life is good, but money is tight. Choices are limited, and responsibilities can feel heavy. I’d like to use this blog to navigate my basic bitch existence.

What Do We Want from the LWYM Blog?

The goal is to create a community for those of us who are trying to find some meaning in the monotony. We’ll ask the question: when is it time to be practical and when do we need for forge our own path? We’ll reflect on why we make the choices we do. Hopefully this positive outlet can help stop those money-related night terrors, that I totally don’t experience.

I must admit, I used to looked down my nose a bit at the blogosphere. This is absurd, because I have absolutely no right to snobbery.

First, I started reading self-improvement blogs, then my excessive worry about money sent me to the finance blogs. At this point, I feel like I could spend hours reading my favorites (if I had hours to spend doing anything).

There is one thing that sets me apart from the other self-help/finance/mommy bloggers out there. I am a total failure… bet you didn’t know that was a good thing! Can’t say I blame you! I am WAY too neurotic to meditate, I’m total shit at yoga, and somehow despite all my frugality, I’m not close to an early retirement. Hell, currently I’m not a candidate for any kind of retirement.

Rihanna knows you gotta work.

My pedestrian-ass life is a good thing, because I’d like to think people can relate. I am not an expert in any of the topics that I enjoy reading or writing about. All I can offer is what has worked for me and hope you’ll use this blog to do the same.

Do the Things and Blog About Them

The final reason I’m here is simple: action. I really hope some of my future “internet friends” feel me on this one. I often have a hard time doing. “Doing what?” you may ask. Anything – the answer is anything.

I like to scheme, think, dream, research, and read. Goodness, I love to read about other people doing things!

But I already did something today! I'm going to start a new blog anyway.

I’ve had many hobbies (photography, belly dancing, guitar, drawing, paper crafts, knitting, baking, etc.) with varying degrees of success. Don’t ask me to knit you a sweater or play you a song. I wish I could, but I often don’t stick with projects very long.

I’ll admit it. I’m a dabbler, and frankly, a bit of a quitter. This blog is different; writing has been a lifelong passion of mine. Of course, it has taken me decades to realize that.

I’ve kept a journal since I was a child. Ever since I learned to write, I’ve done it for fun. I am the poster child for the liberal arts. My degree in English doesn’t get much use. No, my work isn’t related to my studies. It’s shocking. I know.

Since my job does not require it, I haven’t written much for the last decade. I apologize for lapses in proper grammar. its’ tru if you Dont use it you loose it. Wow, that hurt a little.

My hope is we can all become doers together. Writing this blog will hold me accountable. I’m going to try my hardest not to get stuck on all the other aspects of creating a blog. What’s a plugin? How do category tags work? Also, what is the internet?

Assuming I can hold up my end of this deal, we’ll create a community to offer solidarity with those fighting the good fight.

Don’t let me struggle alone. Please, participate in the comments section!

*Disclaimer* The comments section is for nice people only.